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Feminine Wellness

Conversations about female reproductive health are too often pushed to the side. In most cultures, there is an obvious lack of a safe space to discuss the concerns of sex and pleasure regarding women. It is taboo or something not to be mentioned, you are meant to suffer in silence. 

Childbearing, menopause, and aging can be hard on a woman’s body in many respects; two of the most commonly experienced changes are stress incontinence and vaginal changes. Changes in the appearance of the vaginal area is a problem for many women. Stretched, sagging labia and weakened vaginal tissues can lead to stress urinary incontinence (SUI), vaginal dryness, pain during intercourse, and discomfort wearing tight clothing.

According to studies, at least 50% of adult women experience SUI and 25% of women aged 50-59 experience vaginal dryness problems during sex and 16% experience pain. Around 17% of women aged 18-50 experience problems with vaginal dryness during sex, prior to onset of menopause. 

SUI happens when the muscles that prevent the unwanted release of urine by supporting the urethra, the tube through which urine leaves the body, become weak. But the muscles open more quickly once they weaken. Some causes of these muscles to lose their string include: 

Childbirth. Giving birth can damage the pelvic floor muscles or urethral sphincter, especially during vaginal deliveries or rapid deliveries involving forceps. SUI can develop shortly after delivery or many years later. 

Age. Older women are more prone to SUI (regardless of whether they have had children). The simple act of aging causes the bladder muscles to weaken, which can lead to incontinence.

Excess body weight. Extra weight puts more pressure on the organs in the abdomen and pelvis. This can weaken the surrounding muscles and increase the risk for SUI.  

Previous pelvic surgery. Surgeries such as hysterectomy can contribute to muscle weakening or nerve damage that could cause SUI.

High-impact activities. Increased pressure, over time, can also occur from running or jumping. 


Some ways to start the conversation with your provider are: 

  • I am having pain with intercourse

  • I have some leakage with sneezing or running 

  • I have some vaginal dryness

There are treatments options available to help with your symptoms and/or concerns.   

Depending on the severity of symptoms, treatments can be surgical or non-surgical. These can be discussed during your visit. Non-surgical treatments can often take a series of treatments to get the full benefits. 

While many women do decide to undergo treatment, they should do it for their own personal reasons, not because a someone else promotes it. If there are things you do not like or want to change about your vaginal area, then learning more about what the procedure can do for you is necessary.


Vaginal rejuvenation means that an experienced medical professional will make any corrective or cosmetic treatments that help make a woman feel better about herself.

The treatments can help: 

  • Reduce or stop stress urinary incontinence (i.e., you pee when you sneeze)

  • Restore natural vaginal lubrication

  • Improve orgasm and alleviate pain during intercourse

  • Enhance sex for you and your partner

  • Restore comfort when wearing tight clothing

  • Enhance self-confidence and overall sense of well-being

Woman's Torso Lying

Vaginal rejuvenation procedures can be performed by an experienced provider and can restore a woman’s youthful feeling and appearance, giving her the confidence to feel comfortable in the way she looks.

Vaginal rejuvenation is often performed to restore the firmness of a woman’s vaginal walls. As a woman ages, it is normal for her vagina to lose some of its tightness. When the vaginal walls are tightened through the vaginal rejuvenation procedure, it not only improves the woman’s sexual sensations, it also improves her partner’s.

Vaginal rejuvenation can aid with tightening the pelvic floor muscles, which helps to reduce or even eliminate any urinary stress incontinence (SUI) problems a woman may have. The pelvic floor plays an important role when it comes to the ability to hold one’s urine. When it is not as tight as it should be, it is likely that bladder control problems will occur. 

At Inclusive Aesthetics, we are dedicated to empowering all genders to take control of their reproductive health and sexual wellness. There should never be shame in talking to a healthcare provider about feminine wellness. If you ever feel uncomfortable or feel like you are not being heard, then start looking for another provider. Ask your friends or family if there is a provider that they feel comfortable with. 

Vaginal rejuvenation procedures can be performed by an experienced provider and can restore a woman’s youthful feeling and appearance, giving her the confidence to feel comfortable in the way she looks.

Vaginal rejuvenation is often performed to restore the firmness of a woman’s vaginal walls. As a woman ages, it is normal for her vagina to lose some of its tightness. When the vaginal walls are tightened through the vaginal rejuvenation procedure, it not only improves the woman’s sexual sensations, it also improves her partner’s.

Vaginal rejuvenation can aid with tightening the pelvic floor muscles, which helps to reduce or even eliminate any urinary stress incontinence (SUI) problems a woman may have. The pelvic floor plays an important role when it comes to the ability to hold one’s urine. When it is not as tight as it should be, it is likely that bladder control problems will occur. 

At Inclusive Aesthetics, we are dedicated to empowering all genders to take control of their reproductive health and sexual wellness. There should never be shame in talking to a healthcare provider about feminine wellness. If you ever feel uncomfortable or feel like you are not being heard, then start looking for another provider. Ask your friends or family if there is a provider that they feel comfortable with. 

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